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May 20, 2010



Link to PHILIPPINE NURSE - November 2009 NLE Nursing Board Exam Results

Pete Dowan ... to a Special Nurse

Posted: 20 May 2010 01:55 AM PDT

Hi ;
Pete Dowan here !

I am contacting you because I know this is the International Year of the Nurse. I am a medically disabled songwriter and have written many songs about many different subjects and in several different styles, but one in particular is a Tribute to those in your profession ... it was a result of my numerous times spent in various hospitals in my area.

One of the last times I came home I decided to try and write one for those who had cared for my well being during those trying times and I focused on the ones that were fresh in my memory. The song I wrote about (and for) them is called "Ladies In White". They wore white uniforms and were all female (YES, I know that there ARE male nurses AND know that not many wear white any more... but besides how amazingly efficient and caring they were, that was what I remembered of them .. besides, since white is actually made up of all the colours of the spectrum, it therefore represents every colour). It is just a happy, simple to sing-along-with, uptempo song. It is now included on an album by me that is entitled "For Nurses Only".

I invite you to give it a free listen by clicking on the following link, which will lead you to a widget through which you can access the song. If you so desire, the song CAN be purchased to place on your computer or a portable player, but that is not necessary. CLICK HERE to listen to the songs.

I mention that I am medically disabled because various factors of my condition stop me from being able to use professional studios to record my songs, so I have to do them here, at home, in my basement, on donated equipment from musicians I used to work with. For the same reason, I also am unable to perform my music live.

At the same time (and same place), perhaps you could check out my EARTH SONG (Why Don't We Stand ?), which applies to Earth Day, Earth Week and International Environment Day (though I think every day should be considered as such). I am donating 50% of sales of this song to 4 separate environmental organizations. Like all the songs, it CAN be listened to for free. It can also be seen on YouTube. Just type "Pete Dowan" (include the quotation marks) and it's the first song. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

Please forward this to anyone who you think might be interested.
I DO understand if you'd rather not.
Have a great day, and keep smiling ... Good For The Soul !

Musically Yours,
Pete Dowan {:-) [pronounced like plowin' ]

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