February 2010 issue - International Health News
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH NEWS www.yourhealthbase.com |
Welcome to the February 2010 Issue of International Health News CONTENTS OF ISSUE 204 - EDITORIAL
- The ongoing mammography debate
- Obesity - Where is the real solution?
- Fat, muscle, insulin resistance and diabetes
- Progression of coronary calcification - No therapy in sight
- Newer antipsychotic drugs for children - A cause for concern?
- Green tea and depression
- Antidepressant drugs effectiveness in adults
- Melatonin, light exposure and breast cancer
- Knockout by Suzanne Somers
Please Download Your Copy at http://www.yourhealthbase.com/ihn204.pdf | International Health News is published 10 times a year by Hans R. Larsen MSc ChE 1320 Point Street, Victoria, BC, Canada V8S 1A5.....Phone: (250) 384-2524 E-mail: editor@yourhealthbase.com...URL: http://www.yourhealthbase.com ISSN 1203-1933.....Copyright © 2001-2010 by Hans R. Larsen International Health News does not provide medical advice. Do not attempt self- diagnosis or self-medication based on our reports. Please consult your health-care provider if you wish to follow up on the information presented. | |
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